Thursday, 1 May 2014

MAY 2014 Update

A bit of a busy month, but not much to show for it. Lots of preparation for the second half of the year means that hands have been on keyboard instead of spanners.

Warbike Project

Things are progressing well and it looks like we should be on target to publish volume 1 WW1 motorcycles on time. More about the exact dates should follow in June.  
BBC's Crimson Field WW1 Field Hospital Drama
Fans of Crimson Field may be interested that we are hoping to do a small photo-shoot in June to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the Red Cross Field Day at Brooklands. This was a huge undertaking for the time and included many local Red Cross Volunteers as well as local Reservists practicing the treatment and recovery of casualties from the battlefield to treatment stations. This event also included Motorcycles as well as Aircraft spotters with dummies playing a supporting role as casualties. Not that much is known of the event as it was serious contingency planning rather than event open to the public. The shoot will act as publicity for the Brooklands WW1 Commemorations on the first Weekend of August. We are still looking for some WW1 period bikes so if you have one and fancy dressing up we would love to hear from you at

We have been working on the Warbike Facebook page which will act as a number of channels for research and sharing military motorcycle information. Not much to see at present, but if you have anything to share then please visit the page by clicking here. If you have any other suggestions or information please write to

Brooklands Motorcycle Volunteers

We will be supporting the Brooklands Team at the Kempton Park Motorcycle Show on 24 May. This will provide publicity for other Motorcycle Events at Brooklands including Norton Day on 8 June, Ton-up Day on 6 July and The Cotton Centenary Day on 20 July.
Brooklands Reunion Meeting 13 July 2014

For those into the whole Vintage scene there is also a new event on 13 July. The Brooklands Reunion commemorates the 75th anniversary the closing of the Circuit and aims to capture the Sprit of the 1930s Guests are encouraged to dress in period costume and there will be Grids of Brooklands Cars and motorcycles, Track demonstrations and Aircraft engine running. Not forgetting period vehicles running up Test Hill. The organisers are interested in attracting more period motorcycles to fully represent the sights and sounds of the 1930s. So if you have a 1930s bike why not take a trip down memory lane. More information on all the Brooklands events at


Other Developments

We are slowly bringing together the elements that will eventually be the ecommerce channel or (shop in old money). We will try and concentrate on some hard to obtain items but this is still at the conceptual stage.

The new website is almost ready and will include video content in a section called Fenland Classics TV. This will be a collection of our favourite items from across the web as well our own films.

The Bike Shed Event III

The Bike shed gang are putting on the third of their events at Tobacco Dock in London on 24/25 May 2014. This is a bit outside our normal period of interest, but this is an epic event which showcases some of the best bike building talent around. We have our tickets Do you?  

Click here to see the trail.
Click Here to find out more and buy tickets