Tuesday, 1 March 2016

MARCH Update


Steve Parrish and the Brooklands BSA Empire Star

February has mostly been spent finalising the website but we did get out earlier in the month to do a publicity shoot with Steve Parrish. It was blowing a gale when Steve arrived, but thanks to an Ace team in the shape of Perry Barwick ad Rob Overy we were able to quickly able wrap up some shots which will be used as publicity for the premier Brooklands Museum Motorcycle Event of 2016.

Steve Parrish at Brooklands

The event titled The Brooklands Motorcycle Show “Then and Now” to be held on 4 July will feature iconic motorcycles of the last 80 years including many original Marques with their modern counterpart. Steve Parrish will be attending as guest of honour. Keep posted for more news.

Adventure Motorcycling Evening

One of Zoe's stunning shots of the open road

On 16 February, I was invited to host an Adventure Motorcycling evening with the VMCC. In typical Chat show style I was joined on the couch by Zoe Cano, who headlined the evening with an interactive discussion about long distance motorcycling and her trip across the USA. 
Zoe's Bike

We were also joined by Brooklands VMCC Chair Richard Huckle and Gavin Shaw who gave us an insight into their recent trips to Scandinavia. The Evening was billed as Riders of the Lost Art of Solo Adventure Motorcycling. Our conclusion was that the art is still alive and kicking. 
Norway land of the midnight sun

Zoe’s excellent chronicle of her trip “Bonneville Go or Go Bust” is available on Amazon.

Warbike Review

Thanks to Pete Kelly of Old Bike Mart for reviewing Warbike: British Military Motorcycling 1899-1919. 

The review will appear in the March edition of the paper, and the book is available via our new website. Fenlandclassics.com

Fenland Classic Motorcycles Website is Live

The Website is now up and running, but the shop will follow later after it is fully tested. This blog will also remain separate until April whilst pages are transferred.

Old Timer