Wednesday, 1 June 2016

JUNE Update

Stafford Show

It seems a long time ago that I ventured up to Stafford on 24 April and witnessed the world record breaking sale of the 1932 800cc Brough Superior BS4 which is one of only 10 examples manufactured. 

At first sight it is a curious machine, and one that appears to be more at home in the custom sheds of today rather than a serious design intended to bridge the gap between motorcycles and cars in the early 1930’s. 

The machine is powered by an Austin Seven car engine and therefore appeals not only to the high end Brough collector, but also those historic Austin collectors. One thing is sure the £331,900 sale price will need to be matched by a hefty restoration bill before it comes anywhere near the excellent example housed in the National Motorcycle Museum.

The BS4 with the other Broughs discovered in a Barn near Bodmin

This, the first of the lots billed as the Broughs of Bodmin was first up at the Stafford auction, and we have the bidding in full in the film below. Excuse the camera shake, but the atmosphere was electric. Hear the gasps in the room as a fresh bidder, and eventual buyer, came in at £270,000 meaning that the bidder who came all the way form Australia was squeezed out. 

The other bikes in the collection; which at any other time would have been hugely significant in themselves all sold for prices well over their original estimate. Whilst it seems that every Auction House currently needs a Brough on its front page, the word on the street is this just can’t go on. Bonhams Motorcycle lead Ben Walker agrees. He said “I don’t think another cache of bikes like this will turn up again. The collection had been squirreled away......for between 40 and 50 years” 

I was on business, so missed the other lots as we were transporting the 1929 490cc Ex Pat Driscoll Model 18 Norton Norton, bought earlier in the day back to its Brooklands home. 

1929 Ex Pat Driscoll Norton 490cc Model 18

It was a huge privilege to drive it back through the Brooklands Gates and even more of an honour to be only the second person to ride the bike on this hallowed ground since it left in period.
The Norton back at Brooklands

Brooklands Sunbeam

The Brooklands Museum Sunbeam Tourer, like most other museum bikes is fully running and gets used for demonstrations on a regular basis during School holidays. It does not tend to get used during events, as these are normally tailored towards the competition bikes. This together with the fact that the demonstration area will be out of commission during building works led the Volunteers to consider more outreach events. The Sunbeam is therefore being prepared to take part in more events during 2016. 

Earlier in the year the tyres were renewed, and the front brakes relined. During the past month we have also been servicing the clutch and gear-change linkage. New woodruff keys have been fabricated, the clutch plates cleaned and a couple of damaged corks are being replaced. It should be ready for a test run in a couple of weeks.

Kempton Park Motorcycle Show

21 May was the date for the legendary Southern Classic Motorcycle Show and Jumble held at Kempton Park. Organiser, Eric Patterson was, as ever pulling the strings to ensure all was in place by the time the gates opened. On Friday evening Eric’s shed was well represented with at least three of his own bikes already in place including his new Brough Superior newly delivered by Brough Boss Mark Upham who was on hand on Saturday as the new bike got its inaugural engine run.

Meanwhile back on the Jumble Stall the rain held off until it was time to pack up. We look forward to the next Jumble which is being held on 25 July 2016. In the meantime if you have a Pre-war bike to sell or find that old parts are getting in the way of your latest project then contact us at info@fenlandclassics and we will give you a price.

Future Events

We are currently gearing up to provide support at the Banbury Run and will be riding at Chateau Impney Hill Climb on 9/10 July 2016.

George Cohen

As I finish writing this I hear the sad news that George Cohen has just past away after a short but brave fight against cancer. It is a  particularly poignant moment as I remember the pack for The Pat Driscoll Norton above, to which George had included a copy of his book and a special message to the new owner. A Bonham’s consultant, he was a passionate Norton Man to the end. Paul d'Olreans fellow writer and friend of George, has penned his memories of George on his “The Vintigent” site. 

George at Goodwood Festival of Speed 2014